Some people look at the New Year as a blank page to start writing new adventures on. As a better continuation of what has been over the past 12 months. New resolutions are taken. Past patterns are broken. New projects are started. Our lives take a whole new meaning as the clock strikes twelve !
Have you ever wondered what this all means ? What a "new start" actually means... If we're to be realistic, it's quite impossible to erase what was and start anew. If we've messed up, we've messed up. Learning from our mistakes is a good start, but fixing it, not always a possible thing. Some people won't forgive and don't forget. There's not much we can do about that other than close our eyes on it and continue walking on the path of life looking for new possibilities and try to mess them up as little as humanly possible.
New Year
New day
New opportunities
Old demons locked up and kept away
New encounters
New possibilities...
Wishing you all a very Happy beginning to the Year 2010
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